Thursday 18 November 2010

Eid 2010

so it was Eid. It was aite stillllllll...

First thing in the morning I went down to find my swagga Muffin T-shirt Arrived :')...
The reason why I was so haps is because since I saw Wiley wearing this T-shirt in the Goodtimes video I've wanted it so bad and then the other day i found that their sold on the Roll Deep website :')

So yeah The first day of Eid mostly consisted of a load of food:
Yes I got a little carried away at certain points
and I was walking round with big bits stuck in my mouth all day LOL

YES, Skittles all the way are you dumbb?!!

So yeaaah other than the food there was the over excited little prats
lool you DUN KNOW about the confidence you had at that age lool
The excitement lead to a few accidents...

This Eid I also got the 'honors' of doing the hair...
I think she thinks she's Kim Kardashian
The Curls look sick tho
As for you love...erm..Get your roots done Lol

I havent shown u guys myself..
BRAP! lol
Mascara FLEXES.

So yeaaah after all the eating and eating and havin the fam over and loosing it a little around the afternoon time I decided to go pay Kaj a little visit. But Im telling youuuu it was soooo foggy out there I was soo shocked...
The bike man looked intriguing so I took a photo lol

When I got to Kaj's I found this waiting for me..
I finally got my Skepta package which i won. A CD with his autograph and a Street team Tshirt, I was soooo Gassedd:
My name :')
B-) (H)

So yeaaaaaaah the rest of the day was just jamming then fariha and the rest came over so it was all fun, just chilling then we started to dance, and I'm telling ya that was sorta crazy. We literally danced to everything and anything. The best part though was trying to dance salsa to Ricky Martin :')

Day two was just a chillax in central London and gallavant around town day. Me and my sister decided to go Marble Arch/Oxford street..
To see what was popping. Nothing much just crowds and christmas lights (already)..

And a sexy elephant statue..

While we were there we thought hmm why not watch a movie, so we went to the ODEON in Edgware Road to see what we could get. I had Jackass 3D in mind but the closest movie to show was...
But there was still like half an hour to showing so we decided to go buy snacks and take a little walk up oxford street.
We walked into Super Drug and saw this..
I was thinkin how long do you want your vaseline to last?? This is like a double lifetime supply
but then...

So movie time was near, but you obviously have to take a trip to the toilet so no accidents happen while your in there.
But these ODEON toilets surprised me..
Is it me or does that look more like a hair salon place?? hmm not sure

ERRRRRMMMM..this was in the toilets too. appropriate?? LOL

I was very pleased with the movie, I like comedies and Due Date was pretty funny..and stupid and the same time. But yeah we had a good laugh.
After the movie we went into a restaurant in Edgware Road called 'Abu Zaad' and we moesheddd, but I'm not gonna lie it was nothing special..

So yeah after our evening out we head to my aunties house which was all jokes and laughter...

Eid was Good.



1 comment:

  1. Where did You buy the swagga Muffin T-shirt ? It rocks :)
